Friday, July 15, 2005

Dearly Departed

i bared my soul to you
and placed my heart at your feet
-but i mistakenly choked on my fists
as i swallowed my pride,
so i threw up my hands in defeat.


RoRicka said...

i just stumbled upon your blog, in passing i suppose, and was taken by this i read some more.

just wanted to show some love! great writings!

Anonymous said...

i just so stumbled onto your blog by happenstance.......... via facebook

u r quite the wordsmith, i enjoy reading your enlightened epiphanies (which r quite eloquent)

it helps my daylong cubicle imprisonment go by just a lil quicker

look forward to more

La said...

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... I'm not gonna tell u again... lol